Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dying for Cake

This could be good advice.

Or this could be bad advice. 

A couple of months ago I bought a lemon curd shortcake from Brisbane's Welsh lady cake shop. I believe you either have to be a great cook and baker or you just have to know the best source for such things. I like to think I'm a touch of both and when I'm lazy I can call in the store bought experts. The Welsh Lady is one such expert. 

I bought the cake to celebrate a birthday and then the birthday girl flew out leaving me with half a cake behind. 

Now fortuitously, I was reading Dying for Cake by award winning Brisbane author Louise Limerick. One the of book's characters bakes cakes in the darkness of night, licking the bowl to get her hit and then freezes them.

Bingo! I can freeze this cake. What's the worst thing that could happen? It might  not taste great or I might forget about it. So what!

I freeze the cake.

Six weeks pass and one very early morning I'm looking for anything stashed in the freezer that resembles bread or a crumpet I can cook because we are out of milk and toast is in order. Plenty of UFO (unidentifiable frozen objects) then I open the Tupperware container and discover the cake I had forgotten. 

Then another week passes and I have this suddenly late night urge for cake. Sweet, buttery cake. I text a chef friend. He suggests pancakes. "Same hit, quick to make." Then I realise there's only enough milk for tea. {really should get this milk situation sorted out} 

Then. Like a night in shining armour I remember that 1980's style yellow Tupperware container in the freezer. I reach in, open it, cut myself a huge slice and put the kettle on. 

When I sat down to devour the cake it was almost better than the night we had it. I kid you not! 

Since this discovery I have (what seems) a never ending supply of cake slabs whenever the hell I want! 

So trust me. This will save you time and money. You always have something for a friend who drops in, for late night treats and moments when you are .... 

Dying for Cake

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